TAC Pause Stop
As we approach the long weekend and with many families traveling over the next few days, it’s a good time to remember the importance of driving safely. With a 38% increase in road fatalities in 2023 we all need to play a part in keeping our roads safe. The price…

TAC Pause Stop Campaign
As we approach the Easter weekend and many people traveling, its a good time to remember the TAC Pause Stop Campaign. The TAC is currently operating several Pause Stop sites across Victoria, encouraging drivers to pull over, recharge and get to their destination safely. It’s more important than ever to…

TAC Towards Zero Round – August 2nd-4th
The East Burwood Football Club is proud to be supporting the TAC Towards Zero Round on August 2nd-4th. ZERO IS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE NUMBER Click the image to learn how you can help achieve this goal.