East Burwood Reserve, Burwood Hwy, East Burwood

Ladies Lunch – April 28th

The first game of the season was successful both on and off the field. Our reserves and seniors teams treated their supporters to great wins and our EBFC Women got to know one another whilst watching the boys play over a drink and some nibbles!

Now all you great ladies need to book your spots for our ladies lunch Saturday 28th April! Join us for a spanish themed lunch of paella, sangria and lots of other activities to enjoy in great company.

Bookings and payments are essential. Tickets available here via Try Booking!

Craig O’Malley 0417543532
Zoya Griffiths 0423304004


Ladies Lunch 2018

First Ladies Lunch for 2018

Click on the image above for a larger copy

Click here for the Facebook Event

Get in quick as this event always fills up fast!