East Burwood Reserve, Burwood Hwy, East Burwood

Season 2020 Membership Application Forms

The application forms for 2020 membership are now available!

The two links below are to the PDF and Word versions of the application form. Please choose whichever suits your system.

EBFC Membership Application Form 2020 PDF

EBFC Membership Application Form 2020


There are several levels of membership available to suit all budgets, prices are in the application form.

Presidents Club:
▪ Membership card with free entry to all home games
▪ 1 x Ticket in $5000 draw
▪ Free Entry to the season lunch x 2 and a club luncheon to be advised x 2
(Presidents club with Partner don’t receive extra tickets for these functions)
▪ $50 drink card (2 x cards for Presidents club with Partner)
▪ 6 x Thursday night meal vouchers
▪ 1 Player sponsorship (2 x cards for Presidents club with Partner)
▪ Free entry to afternoon tea at all home games
▪ Voting Rights at the AGM

▪ Membership card with free entry to all home games
▪ Free entry to afternoon tea at all home games
▪ 2 x Thursday night meal vouchers
▪ Free Entry to 1 x club luncheon
▪ $20 drink card
▪ Voting Rights at the AGM

▪ Membership card with free entry to all home games
▪ $20 drink card
▪ Voting Rights at the AGM

Concession Card Holders
▪ Membership card with free entry to all home games
▪ Voting Rights at the AGM


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